Sunday, 26 March 2017

Get New Zealand Writing!

It was awesome to get a beautiful poster and postcards from our buddy class. We really enjoyed reading about your school and LOVED writing back to you. It gave us a chance to write for an real audience, which was really powerful.

Great to get mail! Thank you.

Colouring our postcards!

Purposeful writing!

Our finished poster and postcards are now on their way to the South Island!

Reading Together - Glen Innes Library celebration 15/03/17

A big thank you to all the families who attended the Reading Together programme. We had lots of fun talking about helping our little people to enjoy reading more and what strategies we could use. 

For our fourth and final session, we all met up at the local library for tea, biscuits and a chat with the librarian. Every family took forms so they could join the library.

Congratulations to all our families. We hope you enjoy being part of the Glen Innes library.

See you in Term 3 for some follow up sessions!

What did we see at Omara Stream?

On our recent visit to Omara Stream we looked carefully at the water in it to see if it was clean and healthy. If a stream is clean and healthy it will have lots of things living in it and living nearby.
Looking carefully at the water quality, as we crossed the bridge.

Several ducks were enjoying swimming in the water.
They are able to find food to eat in the stream. 

A cicada casing left behind on a plant leaf.

Sadly, Kilifi did find some rubbish. We removed it and took it back to school.
Room 2 Glen Innes Eco warriors in action!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

We're off to the Omaru Stream

On Tuesday 28th February we headed off to find the Kapowai at Omaru stream...we didn't find any but we did find a lot of rubbish and unclean water...I wonder how we can bring the Kapowai back?

Friday, 3 March 2017

We love picnics!

The boys in Room 2 love to sit together and eat morning tea and lunch with each other. Mrs Mitchell surprised the boys today by bringing in a picnic rug, so they would be able to eat together in different places around the playground. Thank you Mrs Mitchell - the boys love their rug. I have promised the girls they can have a turn with picnic rug next week!